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White Sand and Stone

Meditation in the Middle

Feel the body | Listen to the Heart | Cultivate the Mind


I’m glad you have arrived. Life is complicated and the mind can get messy and caught up. Mindfulness is about pausing, breathing, noticing, releasing tensions, letting go reactivity and choosing to act from goodness, the wisdom of the heart. You can do it anywhere, anytime. It soon becomes a trusted partner. My wish is to share practices of cultiviating a kind, caring and courageous heart, come what may, so that the light of well-being may shine boundless. I welcome you to explore with me.

Meet Deborah Darrin

Anchor 2

Live life moment to moment with Awareness

deborah darrin

I was born a dreamer. Not a dreamer of being the best of this or that or to have the most or do the most, but a dreamer in the realm of curiosity and inquiry about what this ephemeral life is about. From childhood conditionings to adolescent explorations and through young adult reckonings,  deconditionings, and reconditionings, I found that the world between the worlds has held the truest whispers of light, possibilities, and paths forward, calling me to “come see”. I found the space is spansive enough to hold all the exuberance of joy, laughter and love. It is spansive enough to hold all the whispers and cries of sadness, and pain and being lost in the messiness and confusion of life.

 Somewhere there I felt a sense of safety and respite even when I did not have answers. I am grateful that spiritual practice was a part of my young upbringing. I had a launching pad! Prayer was one thing. And then being out in nature and observing the intricate beauty of the tiniest of creatures to sensing the boundlessness of the spacious sky brought me to the portal of experiencing AWE. It brought me to sensing the something more; a world between worlds, a world amongst worlds. Here is where a sense of stillness, curiosities, contemplations, and wonderment thrived, which continually grew my awareness. Here is where I could sit in silence and just be, where there was no sense of time, just awareness of phenomena arising, being and passing.

meditation napa
deborah darrin meditation

We are children of the earth. We rely on the earth,
And the earth relies on us. Whether the earth is beautiful,
Fresh, and green, or arid and parched, depends
On our way of walking.
Please touch the earth in mindfulness,
With joy and concentration.
The earth will heal you and you will heal the earth.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Some Benefits of Meditation 

Improves Attention and Concentration

Cultivates calm, centeredness and responsiveness

Decreases anxiety and depression. Lowers heart rate and blood pressure

Improves sleep and mood, it calms the mind as well as the body.

Weekly thematic meditation practices offered online via zoom. Saturday mornings at 9am-9:45am pacific time. 
Learn more about the classes HERE 

Register for Saturday meditation 

"Debbie Darrin is a practical and accessible guide to meditation and mindfulness practice.  Her classes are a treasure in providing wisdom and insight into meditation that has greatly enhanced my practice over the last several years.  It has not only helped transform my practice but has been useful in giving me something to live with and live by."

– Mike Harrelson

Flow with Artistic Expression

Explore your inner landscape and
express your feelings in color.


"Debbie is a skilled facilitator of in-person and virtual workshops.  I have enjoyed several of creative spirituality classes, and regularly benefit by her meditation sessions.  Debbie has inspired and drawn out the courage to explore my ever changing inner landscape."

– Mikki O’Neill


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Hi, I am Debbie Darrin. I’m so happy we are meeting here, maybe for the first time or the umpteenth time. It is a pleasure to share mindful space with you.

Thank you for the gift of your presence.
I’d like to share a bit about me…

I was born a dreamer. Not a dreamer of being the best of this or that or to have the most or do the most, but a dreamer in the realm of curiosity and inquiry about what this ephemeral life is about.

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Meditation in the Middle 
Deborah Darrin 

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