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Meditation Classes 

Feel the body | Listen to the Heart | Cultivate the Mind

"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most."

- Jack Kornfield

Weekly thematic meditation practices offered online via zoom

Saturday mornings at 9am-9:45am pacific time Zoom

Email for more information.

Audio Recordings 


Classes freely offered, 

Dāna welcomed


Venmo @Deborah-Darrin


I offer these meditation and mindfulness sessions freely. I welcome and encourage you to participate in the practice of generosity by making contributions to support the continuation of these opportunities. The Pali word for this practice is dāna.

I have found meditation to be a resource for awakening present moment awareness and cultivating the ability to be fully present for whatever arises with a loving and compassionate heart. Because of meditation I have reaped the benefits of "the pause" as a refuge and as a grounding centerpoint not only in meditation practice but in daily mindful living.



The art of responding to life rather than reacting to life creates a more authentic and supportive foundation for relationships to self, other and the world. We are all born with the seeds of love and compassion. We sometimes forget. The primal instincts in us drive us to merely survive and often causes us to over react to people and situations. When we take the time to cultivate the quality of our awareness and to sit in stillness, the portal opens for insight and wisdom to arise. We see more clearly, we respond more wisely. This is mindfulness.

meditation classes, deborah darrin

The Pali word for mindfulness is Sati, which literally means memory. We take the time in meditation to remember, to remember who we truly are, to remember our true nature. This is why I offer practice. We reconnect with the wise heart, the knowing heart, we cultivate caring and courage to face life on lifes terms, we allow love to be our foundation and its light to be our guide.

" Begin with passion and dedication for the greater good.  Add focus and intention for learning PLUS an inspiring gift for language and communication.  That’s Debbie Darrin.  I take notes in meditation class and capture her beautiful phrases in my journal.  A source of ongoing inspiration.  Attend Debbie’s meditation circles and receive her gifts for yourself!"


-  Gratefully, Carolynne Gamble

" Debbie Darrin has a calm, relaxed, and steady teaching style that helps me anchor into my practice of the Dharma. She is patient and kind encouraging Sangha members to share and ask questions.  I look forward to Debbie's offerings each week. I have learned to not take myself so seriously, and to calm my reactivity. Debbie's teachings are very relatable, and a great way to stay on the path to awakening


- Nancy H. 

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